Monday, June 30, 2008

In Which I HAve Lost My Ever Lovin Mind

I believe in teaching by doing. I do this at work, teaching patients to manage their new medical technology first by showing them, and then by having them try. I do this so much that after the first teaching session I frequently don't need an interpreter for non English speaking patients, although I always have one for the first session to explain what we are doing and the last to answer questions.

Lately I've been trying to do more of this at home. When one of the kids declares that something is to boring or young or outgrown for them, I say, put it in the Goodwill basket, a younger child will like it. I make sure that they check that the game has all it's parts, or the jacket is clean. One of the nicest moments I had with this was when the older one explained to the younger one that "poor people have enough problems- they don't need some old dumb broken thing, they need a game to keep their kids busy so they can get some work done".

Soo, in all the cleaning around here I discovered a bunch of canned dog food from the dear departed Noodle, the standard poodle, one of the nicest, sweetest dogs I've had, even though she was greatly mistreated a s a puppy farm breeder for the first half of her life. A look around revealed some ignored dog toys, as Ginger is not much for playing with things, she is mostly a nap taker, and Annie is the weirdest, most cat like dog I have ever even heard of, and so all was packed up for a quick drop off to the animal shelter.

A puppy. A black, curly, standard poodle puppy named Magic. He comes home tomorrow, after he is neutered. I am evenly divided between thinking I am the biggest idiot in the world, and tap dancing with joy, singing "I'm a grown up, I have a job, I can have a puppy if I want it, nener neener".


Anonymous said...

The hubby thinks me breathing is more important than my getting a cat. Party pooper. I loved your "I'm a grownup" line--thank you for making me laugh!

Congratulations on the new puppy. Enjoy!

Maureen and P.D. the Pet Dog said...

Hi! This is my first visit to your blog... funny! Love your dogssss!!! I put a doggy donation box at work so people can deposit their dogs unwanted items which I take to the shelter when it fills. You have great ideas for cleaning up the clutter. I think Magic is going to bring you lots of happiness, can't wait to hear all about it.

Sue said...

lol I can relate...a few weeks after having a conversation with the other half that we would have no more pets (we have an indoor cat)...murphy's law came into play and we ended up with a lost cockatiel for a pet...again more pets...last night I brought home my classroom pets...three hermit crabs for the two weeks holiday.

Loved ur blog and your pics :)