Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just Us Chooks

Here are the girls. Because I love them so much, I have been overlooking the amount of damage they do to the garden. Since I'm not interested in building an enclosed coop, and I enjoy seeing them run around, I have decided to refocus on flowering shrubs. Zinnias and cosmos are just too tasty, apparently.

I went to the wonderful nursery we have in my little town. It's the kind of place where the owner will walk around with you to show you things. They will look at photos you bring to help make plant selection, and they will deliver heavy things for very little. I bought one shrub, and put it in.

I was pleasantly surprised that my H*umira was in at the pharmacy. I gave myself the shot as soon as I got home. We shall see.

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

They shipped it to your pharmacy? Cool. I had to wait till mine was shipped to me.