Monday, August 10, 2009

Really, it's OK

Someone emailed me privately, saying that my last post was such a bummer she didn't know what to say. It's OK, folks. Not every one is going to like me, and as much as I wish they did, especially family, there will be times when it it is more important to me to be true to myself than to be liked. This is one of those times. But feel free to post a relative or house guest horror story in the comments!

I'm playing with an idea for a quilt from Bonnie's book. I don't save very small scraps ( sorry, Bonnie!) so some of the construction techniques that are designed to utilize little treasures might not work for me. I am pondering a solution.

I have also started a granny square made out of those little balls of sock yarn that are left over. Sometimes I make baby socks out of left overs, but i have quite a lot more of yarn than I do babies at the present, so this should be a fun way to use the leftovers. I picked my favorite for the center.


Alison said...

Some relatives, you absolutely need your creative outlet to retreat to just to breathe a moment. My MIL, whom I love but endure, once came out of my laundry room, which was not in an orderly manner she found acceptable, and she stopped and just glared at me, long and hard.

I was shocked, but shouldn't have been--this being the woman who used to regularly harangue me that knitting was a complete waste of my time and that I was cheating my family by doing it. (Say what?!)

She's come around somewhat because now I'm a Successful Professional at it in her eyes (ie, my book did well). But she still thinks the only thing that matters is an absolutely spotless house.

You have my great sympathies.

Anonymous said...

My mother-in-law story. Early on in my relationship with my husband, before we were married, but after we had made the "announcement." I passed my MIL on the going down to the basement and she stopped me ansaid "Out of all the girls my son has gone out with, I can't understand why he is marrying YOU." And our relationship has been what one could expect from that start.

Also, my sister-in-law regifted us a wedding present of a set of dishes that she had bought for a summer house at the shore. She made a big deal out of what a wonderful set of dishes she purchased for us. (they weren't even that nice). I only found out the truth when she slipped up when telling us a story about her summer at that beach house.

I love my husband and I have wonderful kids, and I just try and ignore the rest.

pattymk said...

My mother-in-law story. Early on in my relationship with my husband, before we were married, but after we had made the "announcement." I passed my MIL on the going down to the basement and she stopped me ansaid "Out of all the girls my son has gone out with, I can't understand why he is marrying YOU." And our relationship has been what one could expect from that start.

Also, my sister-in-law regifted us a wedding present of a set of dishes that she had bought for a summer house at the shore. She made a big deal out of what a wonderful set of dishes she purchased for us. (they weren't even that nice). I only found out the truth when she slipped up when telling us a story about her summer at that beach house.

I love my husband and I have wonderful kids, and I just try and ignore the rest.

Browndirtcottage said...

Well...10 whole days with a house full is hard enough...hard too even if they were your own family!!
And everyone has been through it and have had your same why is that person so bummed about it...???