Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank you, Mrs Pettiway

and all the other ladies of Gee's Bend for the wonderful quilts you made.  Here's a Gee's Bend tribute quilt, made for the neighbor lady who taught my learning disabled son to type. ( I should have made her a much, much, bigger quilt. )

For such a simple design, I took this to apart about six times, removing greys that were too dark or light and finally settling on the Japanese indigo borders. The palest grey fabrics is actually a light grey with dark grey words written on it- like "breathe" and "relax" and "Zen"  Wish I had taken a close up photo.

Got called over to a neighbor's house today.  The 90-some year old lady who lived there had come down suddenly with chills, fever, and such weakness she could not walk.  She normally walks two miles to the shopping center every morning, and then takes the bus home with her bag.

Three generations of family were fluttering- wanting to call 911 but the grand matriarch said "No".  So, I called, right after I counted her respirations, took her pulse and made her answer questions for me.  Why do people hate to call 911?  It would have been very unwise to carry her to the hospital in the family car, and this way, as i told her, she got to see the good looking fireman.  This made her smile, and I hope she is OK.  I want to be her, when I grow up.  I will have to pick her some flowers and go see about her tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Good job- the nurse always saves the day.
Maggie in Michigan

Magpie Sue said...

Interesting that people hesitate to call 911 for medical emergencies. I've just discovered I hesitate to call the police to do something about the barking dog next door at 1:30 in the morning.

Good job with the quilt. Amazing how challenging those simple quilts can be!

AlisonH said...

You were who she needed. Thank you for knowing your neighbor and taking such good care of her. And her family, for that matter.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Well, that's an amazing quilt, I love it. the medical insurance that I belong to has a phone number for a nurse, and if you call there, they will tell you right away if you need to go to the Emergency Room.