I used a salad plate, about 8 inches across. I start by just cutting the skin fabric, and then use the embroidered face as the guide for cutting the rest.
To determine face placement, fold into quarters and crease.
The eyes go on the center line, half way down the face. Keep the mouth small, even smaller than this, for a vintage look. The nose is indicated by two dots. Embroider the features, or fabric paint or fuse or whatever you like to do. I used six strands of floss ( the whole strand, as it comes from the little hank.) I like this for the eyes and mouth, but next time I will either use size 8 Perle Cotton or divide the floss, because I think it looks like she has on too much eye makeup.
And if you knit it a hat, would it be in purl cotton?
Oh, I love it! I'll have to try it. By the way, I have some stuff called Insul-Bright that I bought from joann.com and it's for lining pot holders.
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