Friday, May 09, 2008

Starting again

I have been thinking a lot about starting, finishing, and starting again. Like many fiber folk, I go thru phases of startitis and finish-it-up-already. I have been in a New Years induced finishing phase, culminating with deciding to felt a hand knit sweater that I never wear and make it into a bag yesterday. There are a few more UFOs and single socks, but not nearly the number there were. About half of the knitted projects were finished, about half ripped out. All of the quilt projects are finished to the top stage, and as I enjoy quilting the tops i have no angst about there being more tops at present. I actually like having a little stash of tops to quilt. They make me happy, in a little pile on the shelf downstairs. When I want them to be quilts, there they will be. Until then, they do not get anything spilled on them, they do not wear out. Sort of like sleeping beauty in cotton form.

I read somewhere that addicts have to go to rehab 4 or 5 times before it takes and they have a chance of staying clean. When I think about it further, that seems like an admirably quick recovery. How many diets have I been on? How many times have I sworn to make my bed before I leave the house? How many times have I said" this is absolutely the last dog we have. When he dies, we never get another one."? Indeed, how many times have a written three or four blog posts and then trailed off, uncertain if I have anything to say, or the energy to say it.

I have no quilts in progress just now- I have a strange fear that I will never make another. Considering that I just spent $80US on fabric ( half off sale on batiks- low resistance), that would be a very bad thing. I have twelve tubs of yarn staring at me just now ( why yes, plastic tubs do play a large part in my bedroom decor- why do you ask?) I don't know what my next knitting project will be, but I do know that it will not be multi colored.

I think the greatest gift I have as a human is this ability to start from the beginning, again and again, and enjoy the thrill and uncertainty that accompanies new projects. That is, as long as they involve cotton or wool.


Devorah said...

That's a wonderful gift to have. What a beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

I love that catch at the end--cotton and wool. Oh, right. I was just starting to think, well, me, I stopped at four children...

Batik fabric sounds pretty already, and I'm a knitter, not a quilter. Have fun playing with it!

StitchinByTheLake said...

How thought provoking this post is! You're right, being able to start and restart is somehow energizing. I've often started a quilt only to get tired in the middle. Later I'll pick it up and get excited all over again. Great post!